August 27, 2010

Welcome to the Adventure


There are many blogs that cover a range of obscure and mindless things. This (hopefully) will not be one of those. Rather, this blog will seek illustrate the experiences of me (Dan) as I journey to Djibouti, Africa to teach English at the University of Djibouti. First, lets get some basics out of the way.

Djibouti is the name of the country and the capitol city. The capitol of Djibouti is Djibouti. Djibtouti is located on the coast of northeastern Africa bordering Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia. Until 1977 it was a French colony. French is still the language of the university.

Djibouti is 99.99% desert with only about 10 sq. miles of arable land, depending on what source you read. That means it will be HOT and humid. I've heard that Djibouti is sometimes referred to as "Hell's waiting room." Who wants to come visit?

Hopefully I will be able and willing to update this a couple times of week once I arrive in Djibouti. Check back or follow me or just read it when I post it on Facebook.

Thanks for reading, see you in Djibouti

More info on Djibouti
Djibouti factbook from the CIA
Djibouti Wikipedia
An American woman blogs about her family's life in Djibouti